2024 Apartment Excellence Awards

2024 Apartment Excellence Awards
Thursday, July 11, 2024 (5:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (EDT)
The APARTMENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS is an acknowledgement of excellence within the apartment industry in the metropolitan Pittsburgh area. The awards program offers recognition to the property owners, managers and staff of those communities that achieve the highest standards of property management.
Winners of the APARTMENT EXCELLENCE AWARDS demonstrate to their community, residents and peers that their property has the physical qualities, marketing creativity, and management caliber necessary to be called one of Pittsburgh’s BEST! Click below for more information about the awards and to enter your property for consideration!
AEA Property Registration Brochure
(Click the black registration button to enter your property, pay by credit card, or request an invoice!)
Judging to take place on Tuesday, June 11th and Awards Reception to be held on Thursday, July 11th!

777 Casino Drive
Pittsburgh, 15212